My son and I attended the National Missionary Convention in Indianapolis, IN. He loved this view through the doors leading into the RCA Dome in Indy. That is not what we were there for, though. We both enjoyed the fellowship with many other Christians. That really, in my mind, is one of the best things about big conventions like the NMC. Here is just a small list of some of the people we were able to visit with (or see) while at the convention:
Dr. Richard Geringswald - Jamaica Christian Seminary - he wants me to bring a team down to Jamaica to do a VBS and revival
Harold Armstrong - President of Florida Christian College
Professor Glenn Borne - Retired from Florida Christian College, taught me all my practical ministry classes and Revelation and Ecclesiology (Doctrine of the Church)
Wyburn and Dee Osborn - went to Florida Christian with Wyburn; he and Dee minister with Haitian ministries
Darrell and Kathy Combs - Jamaica Christian Mission - Darrell and I went to school at Florida Christian; Darrell wants me to be a board member for JCM - which might mean I will need to go to Jamaica in the future
The Jamaica Christian Mission Board - It was great to meet with some of the people I get lots of emails from with JCM!
Jim Newman - Southern Cross Ministry; Australia
Russell and Mary Ruth Newman - Jim's parents; Russell is an elder at Countryside Church of Christ (formally Lawshe)
Carl and Carol Copas - Carl is an elder, along with Russell above
Professor Twila Sias - Florida Christian College, taught my education courses and English
George and Nedra Melton - still trying to get them to come and sing at South Side
Lee Mason - Editor of the Restoration Herald of the Christian Restoration Association
Victor Knowles - Director of POEM, son of Dale Knowles who was preacher at South Side in the 1940's
Larry Owens - Director of Northwest Haitian Christian Missions; He wants to come to South Side to speak and he wants me to make a trip to Haiti (also met another couple from Cayuga, IN representing the mission)
Rick Champ and Kent Dunn - Illini Christian Ministries
Tom and Kristie Anders - Church of Christ of St Joseph
Jeff Snell - Director of the Doctor of Ministry program at Lincoln Christian Seminary
Many other missionaries and friends in the Exhibit area of the NMC
I also saw, but did not get the opportunity to talk with:
The Good Twins - singing twin brothers that I saw back in 1984 (don't think they would remember me)!
Ben Alexander - Exposing Satan's Power
We had a good time visiting - the fellowship was great!