Home! Do we appreciate our home?
At school last week, my youngest was asked what she wanted to do over the Thanksgiving break. She responded quickly by saying, "I want to stay home." There is much more behind that answer than I will share in this blog entry, but I think I can make my point.
Sometimes it is good just to be home - and I don't mean the four walls of a house! Home is where the heart is. Home is where love is shared. Home is where stability is offered. I like to be "home" also - "home" with my family.
It is also good to be home with the church. And again, I am not referring to the four walls of the building I am sitting in while I type this. Church is people! Church is where love is shared. Church is where your heart should be. Church is where stability is offered! Salvation, encouragement, discipline and many other things are offered through our church home.
And one day I will go to my home in heaven. Heaven will be a great place to be, not because of fluffy white clouds! It is because we will be at home with our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ! Heaven will be people! Heaven will be where love is shared! Heaven is where our treasures are laid - "and where our treasure is, there our hearts are also". Heaven is where stability is offered . . . FOREVER!!! Heaven is where Salvation and encouragement and rest will be offered . . . FOREVER!!!
Come Lord Jesus, come! And if He continues to tarry, may we continue to offer "home" to our family and friends.