Tuesday, June 08, 2010

Why we must stand FIRM!!!

I just finished reading an article claiming "there hasn't been a Restoration Movement for well over 100 years" and the movement was "doomed to fail, as it is based on a faulty ideal" - coming out in the June 13th edition of a periodical sent weekly to many Churches of Christ and Christian Churches.

I respond with a quote by one of my teachers at Florida Christian College, the late Roger Chambers (spoken and written in 1985):
The Restoration Movement is alive. Hundreds of intelligent, faithful leaders preserve and preach New Testament Christianity. While nothing could be clearer than that our outfit needs revival (when has that not been true of the Church?), it isnot a given that we cry out for redefinition. I don't trust these fellows who, of late, have been reading over the grave of the brotherhood. I fear they want the movement certified dead so they can apply for the commission to resurrect it to their own vision. We may have lost our nerve; we have not lost our reason for being. And the preacher who has little or no experience in strong doctrine has no right to declare that the Restoration Movement isn't working and call for a new plan.

Things haven't changed, have they?

I am reminded why I do not subscribe to the periodical anymore! More rebuttal to come!