At the top of this page, right under the picture of the church building, I label us as a people of the Book. When I use the word Book, I mean the Good Book—the Bible! We, as a Church of Christ, should always be striving to use the Bible as our only source of authority. I am afraid, though, that we have become lax often times. Part of the reason is that we do not know the Book as well as we should know it. We have, in many churches, raised a generation of people who cannot find the time to study the Word of God daily in their homes.
Don't allow your generation to do that! Start right now to be a student of the Word. Be like the Berean Christians who examined the Scriptures daily to make sure that what the Apostles said was true.
Let us not fall in the temptation of just praying about the text. Prayer is essential in our Bible reading and study, but Paul wrote Timothy to STUDY to find ourselves approved before God! "Be diligent (or Study) to present yourself approved by God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed - handling accurately the Word of God" (II Timothy 2:15).
We must also not fall into the temptation of replacing study with devotional time. Devotional time is fine, and essential. But, we must figure out what the passage means before we can find out what it means to me! We need time with God reading His Word just because we enjoy it. But it will never replace the need to study!
I urge you to STUDY! STUDY! STUDY to present yourself approved by God.
Like the Berean Christians, in the early days of our American Restoration Movement we were known as a "people of the Book". We should never be ashamed of that! I would rather be a "people of the Book" than be a people who will spend eternity separated from God because we do not use His Book! I plead with you to join the elders and I in this simple, basic, yet foundational principle of the Restoration movement.
We must get beyond "Well this is what I think it means" to "This is what the Bible says about it" When you have a problem with what someone says or does, use the Word of God to resolve the conflict. Do not jump to conclusions with your own opinions. One writer said that the only exercise some Christians get is “jumping to conclusions”. If we do come to conclusions on matters, make sure they are in line with the Word of God. If you are wrong; repent! We must stand on the Word of God and be a "people of the Book"!
When the history of the Restoration movement is updated let it be known that South Side Church of Christ took the Bible as our only source of authority - not just a statement printed in bulletins (if the future generations still print bulletins) but also in action! Make it the goal of your family and of the Lord's church here at South Side to be known as a "people of the Book"!
The Word of God MUST always be our source of authority. It tells us what is important and necessary.
Read it daily! Study it daily! Examine it daily! Handle it accurately daily!
Standing firm on His Word with you,
Don't allow your generation to do that! Start right now to be a student of the Word. Be like the Berean Christians who examined the Scriptures daily to make sure that what the Apostles said was true.
Let us not fall in the temptation of just praying about the text. Prayer is essential in our Bible reading and study, but Paul wrote Timothy to STUDY to find ourselves approved before God! "Be diligent (or Study) to present yourself approved by God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed - handling accurately the Word of God" (II Timothy 2:15).
We must also not fall into the temptation of replacing study with devotional time. Devotional time is fine, and essential. But, we must figure out what the passage means before we can find out what it means to me! We need time with God reading His Word just because we enjoy it. But it will never replace the need to study!
I urge you to STUDY! STUDY! STUDY to present yourself approved by God.
Like the Berean Christians, in the early days of our American Restoration Movement we were known as a "people of the Book". We should never be ashamed of that! I would rather be a "people of the Book" than be a people who will spend eternity separated from God because we do not use His Book! I plead with you to join the elders and I in this simple, basic, yet foundational principle of the Restoration movement.
We must get beyond "Well this is what I think it means" to "This is what the Bible says about it" When you have a problem with what someone says or does, use the Word of God to resolve the conflict. Do not jump to conclusions with your own opinions. One writer said that the only exercise some Christians get is “jumping to conclusions”. If we do come to conclusions on matters, make sure they are in line with the Word of God. If you are wrong; repent! We must stand on the Word of God and be a "people of the Book"!
When the history of the Restoration movement is updated let it be known that South Side Church of Christ took the Bible as our only source of authority - not just a statement printed in bulletins (if the future generations still print bulletins) but also in action! Make it the goal of your family and of the Lord's church here at South Side to be known as a "people of the Book"!
The Word of God MUST always be our source of authority. It tells us what is important and necessary.
Read it daily! Study it daily! Examine it daily! Handle it accurately daily!
Standing firm on His Word with you,